About GFMath

Site information#

GFMath started on April 18, 2020 with a few charts on the average DPS improvement from Px4 Storm's skill. This website was created on October 16, 2020, and will continue for all eternity.

A point of caution - I will tend to assume the perspective of an endgame player, or one who has many options available and wishes to choose the best one. A new player will have much different priorities. Barely scraping by to the next story threshold/chapter/grind spot/event reward becomes much more important, as does spending a limited amount of upgrade resources wisely. For example, I would spend little to no time mentioning the core cost of a 5-star doll up for analysis, or what budget 3/4-star could be a decent enough replacement.

I try to keep my pages up to date as appropriate, but please do keep the dates in mind. As with any live service game, new content is always coming out and what was good last year may no longer be that relevant.

A spoiler disclaimer - I only intend to talk about gameplay here, so there shouldn't be many ways to get the plot spoiled. That said, I will mention enemies/bosses/mechanics/dolls introduced recently, or even new stuff from foreign servers like neural upgrades. If you consider those to be spoilers, please read with caution.

About the Author#

This doesn't really fit on my ID card, so if you'd like to know my ranking history:

As of 2023, I've largely retired from playing. Expect fewer/no new GFL articles, but some pages will be kept up to date as appropriate.

Other Bits#

Plots are typically made in Matlab or R.