Permanent Campaign Rewards
(2022-12-13) 3-star limited doll drops have been overwritten to match their distribution on foreign servers. The tables have been updated to reflect this change. This is a permanent change.
As the permanent campaign list is getting pretty lengthy, some of us may not have cleared all the missions. To help in figuring out which missions are worth it, I've compiled tables of all mission rewards in these campaigns.
Data, calibration tickets, and memory fragments are also assigned approximate gem values, totaled up for each campaign. Values use the 20-gem daily energy pack (0.15 energy/gem). Resources and production tickets are purchasable with gems, but they're easy to get through other means and expensive enough that they aren't considered in the total value. No campaign awards actual gems; the number in the header is just the total value of the data/fragments and such.
Many dolls that were available during an event's initial run (primarily as clear rewards) or were released through other means like point/bingo events are not put into the campaign permanently. For a list of those dolls and their last time available, see here.
A point of caution - IOP Wiki takes doll drop info from the original run of events on the CN server. As such, it is not a reliable source of information.
Additional farming and clear guides for each campaign are also linked in their respective section. For text/image-based farming routes, see also Frey's compilation.
- Operation Cube+
- Arctic Warfare
- Deep Dive
- Singularity
- Continuum Turbulence
- Isomer
- Shattered Connexion
- Polarized Light
- Dual Randomness
- Mirror Stage
- Poincaré Recurrence
- Future campaigns
Operation Cube+#
Chapter | Map | Rewards | Gem value |
1 | 1 | 4 Resources x1000 | - |
2 | Quick Repair x5 | - | |
3 | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
4 | Battery x200 | - | |
2 | 1 | Basic Data x500 | 15 |
2 | Intermediate Data x500 | 68 | |
3 | Advanced Data x500 | 189 | |
4 | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
Total | 400 |
In total, this is 1000x all resources, 500x all data, 200x battery, 200x calibration tickets, 20x enhancement capsules, and 5x quick repair tickets.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
With Cube being set entirely at night and having all sorts of RNG to clear each map, the dolls in it are a massive pain to farm. Luckily, the permanent campaign version doesn't have any particularly necessary dolls. Z-62 is a decent 3* molotov and Serdyukov is a usable 3* FP buffer if you don't dupe, but neither are even close to required.
Operation Cube Doll Farming Guide by me.
Clear guides: Matsuda, GFC, Ceia (YT). Ouroboros finder tool (mark nodes captured by enemies, then it will mark possible spawn locations).
All unique drops: (3*) Z-62, Serdyukov, ARX-160, RPD, (4*) Gr PSG-1.
Arctic Warfare#
Chapter | Map | Rewards | Gem value |
1 | 1 | 4 Resources x1000 | - |
2 | Quick Repair x5 | - | |
3 | Equip contract x5 | - | |
4 | Quick Production x5 | - | |
2 | 1 | Doll contract x5 | - |
2 | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
3 | Core x10 | - | |
4 | Battery x200 | - | |
3 | 1 | Basic Data x500 | 15 |
2 | Intermediate Data x500 | 68 | |
3 | Advanced Data x500 | 189 | |
4 | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
Total | 400 |
In total, this is 1000x all resources, 500x all data, 200x battery, 200x calibration tickets, 10x cores, 5x doll contracts, 20x enhancement capsules, 5x equipment contracts, 5x quick production tickets, 5x quick repair tickets.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
As one of the oldest events in the campaign, there aren't too many crazy dolls to get, aside from the relatively essential Type56R (due to her excellent neural upgrade). Other than that, OTs-44 had a free Christmas skin and G28 is an acceptable FP-buffing rifle.
Arctic Warfare Doll Farming Guide by me. Alternate route (no parachute).
All unique drops: (3*) Type56R, Super SASS, EVO 3, AR70, OTs-44, Type 59, (4*) Gr G28.
Deep Dive#
Chapter | Map | Rewards | Gem value |
1 | 1 | 4 Resources x1000 | - |
2 | Quick Repair x5 | - | |
3 | Equip contract x5 | - | |
4 | Quick Production x5 | - | |
2 | 1 | Doll contract x5 | - |
2 | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
3 | Core x10 | - | |
4 | Battery x200 | - | |
3 | 1 | Basic Data x500 | 15 |
2 | Intermediate Data x500 | 68 | |
3 | Advanced Data x500 | 189 | |
4 | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
Total | 400 |
In total, this is 1000x all resources, 500x all data, 200x battery, 200x calibration tickets, 10x cores, 5x doll contracts, 20x enhancement capsules, 5x equipment contracts, 5x quick production tickets, 5x quick repair tickets. Rewards are identical to AW's.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
HK45 (E1-2) is a decent frontline FP-buffer for nodupe players. The main point of interest here is the UMP sister SPEQ. It's not significantly stronger than a gold T-exo as it provides the same +35 evasion, but it is a free gold T-exo which can be hard to come by. UMP45 and UMP9 are excellent dolls in their own right, so you'd be able to get some use out of it. I recommend farming it on E3-2, though it can be gotten as early as E2-3.
Deep Dive Farming Guides by Ceia.
Clear guides: Matsuda, GFC, Gamepress.
All unique drops: (3*) 6P62, SSG 69, ASh-12.7, MT-9, F1, Type81R, HK45, (4*) PzB39, (equipment) UMP UX Exoskeleton.
Chapter | Map | Rewards | Gem value |
1 | Starting Point | 4 Resources x500 | - |
Splinter Point | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
Stroke Dead-Center I | Battery x100 | - | |
Stroke Dead-Center II | Combat Report x50 | - | |
Stroke Dead-Center III | Memory Fragment x100 | 44 | |
Stroke Dead-Center IV | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
Compression Initiates I | Battery x100 | - | |
Compression Initiates II | Calibration tickets x100 | 64 | |
Compression Initiates III | Basic Data x200 | 6 | |
Compression Initiates IV | Core x10 | - | |
Re-Ignition I | Core x10 | - | |
Re-Ignition II | Memory Fragment x100 | 44 | |
Re-Ignition III | Quick Production x5 | - | |
Re-Ignition IV | Doll contract x5 | - | |
Messenger | Memory Fragment x100 | 44 | |
2 | Splinter Point | 4 Resources x1000 | - |
Queen's Gambit I | Enhancement Capsule x30 | - | |
Queen's Gambit II | Battery x200 | - | |
Queen's Gambit III | Intermediate Data x200 | 27 | |
Queen's Gambit IV | Memory Fragment x150 | 67 | |
Castling I | Core x10 | - | |
Castling II | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
Castling III | Memory Fragment x150 | 67 | |
Castling IV | Special Combat Report x100 | - | |
Promotion I | Battery x200 | - | |
Promotion II | Core x10 | - | |
Promotion III | Advanced Data x200 | 75 | |
Promotion IV | Quick Production x5 | - | |
Minor Pieces Draw I | Combat Report x100 | - | |
Minor Pieces Draw II | Memory Fragment x150 | 67 | |
Minor Pieces Draw III | Doll contract x5 | - | |
Minor Pieces Draw IV | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
Survivor | Battery x200 | - | |
3 | Last Resort I | Combat report x100 | - |
Last Resort II | Memory Fragment x100 | 44 | |
Last Resort III | Basic Data x500 | 15 | |
Last Resort IV | Intermediate Data x500 | 68 | |
Last Resort V | Advanced Data x500 | 189 | |
Endgame | Core x15 | - | |
Goodbye, Dragon Palace | Memory Fragment x200 | 89 | |
Total | 1356 |
In total, this is 1500x all resources, 700x all data, 800x battery, 500x calibration tickets, 250x combat reports, 55x cores, 10x doll contracts, 70x enhancement capsules, 1050x memory fragments, 10x quick production contracts, and 100x special combat reports.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
HK416's SPEQ is farmable in Singularity. It's a fairly low priority as its benefits over a gold crit scope are debatable, but if you want it, I'd check out Promotion IV and farm the ambush nodes. MP7 is a decent maintank for longer/boss battles, best farmed in Re-Ignition IV (Chapter 1). The 3* dolls are forgettable. You can get Thunder from Stroke Dead-Center II (Chapter 1), but she has few practical uses.
Singularity All-In-One Farming Guide by Ceia.
Clear guides: Matsuda, GFC, Gamepress, Ceia (YT).
All unique drops: (3*) TMP, wz.29, P226, M12, T65, Gr MG23, (4*) Thunder, (5*) MP7, (equipment) EOT XPS3 for 416.
Continuum Turbulence#
Chapter | Map | Rewards | Gem value |
1 | Safe House | 4 Resources x500 | - |
Waste | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
Nightfall | Battery x50 | - | |
Auxiliary Power | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
Reserve Outpost | Combat Report x50 | - | |
Farewell, Scarecrow | Special Combat Report x50 | - | |
Bloodless Battlefield | Battery x50 | - | |
The Last Day | Core x10 | - | |
Peace Negotiations | Battery x100 | - | |
Fortunate? | Basic Data x200 | 6 | |
Sangvis Elite Outpost | Quick Production x5 | - | |
Neural Fragments | Memory Fragment x100 | 44 | |
Darkest Desire | Doll contract x5 | - | |
Final Destination | Battery x200 | - | |
Ground Zero | 4 Resources x500 | - | |
2 | Unknown Enemy | 4 Resources x1000 | - |
Support | Core x10 | - | |
Roaring Sun | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
Griffin Expendables | Battery x200 | - | |
Defense Outpost 2 | Intermediate Data x200 | 27 | |
Howl of Terror | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - | |
Defense Outpost 3 | Enhancement Capsule x30 | - | |
Defense Outpost 4 | Memory Fragment x150 | 67 | |
Exploratory Attack | Advanced Data x200 | 75 | |
For the Future | Quick Production x5 | - | |
Just Kidding | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
General Offensive | Doll contract x5 | - | |
Black Doll | Battery x200 | - | |
Short-lived Peace | Special Combat Report x50 | - | |
Safe and Sound | Combat Report x50 | - | |
Final Fight | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
3 | ELID-Infected | 4 Resources x2000 | - |
Signal Flare | Combat Report x100 | - | |
Red Zone | Special Combat Report x100 | - | |
Yellow Zone | Basic Data x500 | 15 | |
Final Order | Battery x50 | - | |
Mark | Enhancement Capsule x50 | - | |
Vengeance | Memory Fragment x200 | 89 | |
A New Hope | Intermediate Data x500 | 68 | |
Sum of All Wraths | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
Vile Rats | Battery x200 | - | |
Luck | Enhancement Capsule x50 | - | |
Bad News | Core x15 | - | |
IED | Advanced Data x500 | 189 | |
Victor | Battery x50 | - | |
Stumbling Block | Memory Fragment x200 | 89 | |
White Doll | Calibration tickets x200 | 128 | |
Exile | Pure Sample x200 | - | |
Total | 1181 |
In total, this is 4000x all resources, 700x all data, 1100x batteries, 800x calibration tickets, 200x combat reports, 200x special combat reports, 35x cores, 10x doll contracts, 10x quick production contracts, 210x enhancement capsules, 650x memory fragments, and 200x pure samples.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
Python is far and away the best farmable doll in a campaign so far. She generally acts as a strong FP buffer who can deal some damage herself and pass around more buffs on the side. You can use her to even greater effect in teams with AS Val at night, in RFHG teams with Carcano M1891, or in 5HG teams now even stronger with the release of Desert Eagle. The low-requirement farm is Neural Fragments in Chapter 1, and for speed there is Stumbling Block in Chapter 3.
M870 is a good 5* shotgun farmable on Darkest Desire (Chapter 1). While not extraordinary, she's a lot cheaper to get than any production SG. Mk 12 and A-91 are farmable here, but they are very optional.
Continuum Turbulence All-In-One Farming Guide by Ceia, alternate Python route by me.
Clear guides: Matsuda, GFC, Gamepress, Ceia (YT).
All unique drops: (3*) Gepard M1, SM-1, CZ52, T77, OTs-39, MP-443, (4*) Mk 12, A-91, (5*) M870, Python.
If early June is the 29th, it only makes sense that late June would be some point in July. Anyways, go farm your P22s from Faith of Blood II EX. Clearing on EX gives both normal and EX rewards, and may have higher limited doll drop rates.
Map | Normal Reward / EX Reward | Gem value |
[Chapter 1] | ||
Souvenir | 4 Resources x500 | - |
Illusory Peace I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Illusory Peace I Battle | Core x10 / 4 Resources x2000 | - |
Illusory Peace I Branch | Special Combat Report x30 | - |
Illusory Peace II | Battery x50 | - |
Illusory Peace II Branch | Combat Report x30 | - |
Illusory Peace III Battle | Calib tickets x100 / Memory Fragment x100 | 108 |
Illusory Peace III | Strawberry Custard Cheesecake x10 | - |
Illusory Peace IV | Core x5 | - |
Illusory Peace V | Combat Report x30 | - |
Cat and Mouse I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Cat and Mouse II | Battery x50 | - |
Cat and Mouse III | Combat Report x30 | - |
Cat and Mouse III Branch | Special Combat Report x30 | - |
Cat and Mouse III Battle | Memory Fragment x100 / Memory Fragment x100 | 89 |
Cat and Mouse IV | 4 Resources x1000 / Combat Report x100 | - |
Beyond the Border I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Beyond the Border II | Calib Tickets x150 / Special Combat Report x100 | 96 |
Beyond the Border III | Basic Data x200 / Enhancement Capsule x50 | 6 |
Beyond the Border IV | Battery x50 | - |
[Chapter 2] | ||
Faith of Blood I | Combat Report x30 | - |
Faith of Blood I Battle | Core x10 / Intermediate Data x200 | 27 |
Faith of Blood I Branch I | Strawberry Custard Cheesecake x10 | - |
Faith of Blood I Branch II | Special Combat Report x30 | - |
Faith of Blood II | Doll Contract x5 / Memory Fragment x100 | 44 |
Faith of Blood II Branch | Core x5 | - |
Faith of Blood III | Calib tickets x50 | 32 |
Wolf and Owl I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Wolf and Owl I Battle | Calib tickets x200 / Advanced Data x200 | 203 |
Wolf and Owl I Branch | Battery x50 | - |
Wolf and Owl II Battle | Memory Fragment x100 / Battery x200 | 44 |
Wolf and Owl II | Combat Report x30 | - |
Wolf and Owl III | Quick Production x5 / Original Sample x50 | - |
Wolf and Owl IV | Special Combat Report x30 | - |
Under the Wall I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Under the Wall I Battle | Doll Contract x5 / Pure Sample x50 | - |
Under the Wall II | Battery x50 | - |
[Chapter 3] | ||
Lost Bargaining Chip I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Lost Bargaining Chip I Battle | Basic Data x500 / Original Sample x50 | 15 |
Lost Bargaining Chip II | Battery x50 | - |
Lost Bargaining Chip III Battle | Core x10 / Pure Sample x50 | - |
Lost Bargaining Chip III | Combat Report x30 | - |
Shark and the Sea I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Shark and the Sea I Battle | Doll Contract x5 / Memory Fragment x200 | 89 |
Shark and the Sea II | Battery x50 | - |
Shark and the Sea III | Intermediate Data x500 / Original Sample x50 | 68 |
Shark and the Sea IV Battle | Enhancement Capsule x30 / Pure Sample x50 | - |
Shark and the Sea IV | Combat Report x30 | - |
Shark and the Sea V | Strawberry Custard Cheesecake x10 | - |
Shark and the Sea VI | Quick Production x5 | - |
Shark and the Sea VII | Core x5 | - |
[Chapter 4] | ||
Above the Hubbub I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Above the Hubbub II | Advanced Data x500 / Original Sample x50 | 189 |
Above the Hubbub II Branch | Battery x50 | - |
Above the Hubbub III | Memory Fragment x200 / 4 Resources x1000 | 89 |
Above the Hubbub IV | Calib tickets x200 / 4 Resources x1000 | 128 |
Above the Hubbub V | Pure Sample x100 / Calib tickets x200 | 128 |
Above the Hubbub VI | Strawberry Custard Cheesecake x10 | - |
Above the Hubbub VI Branch I | Special Combat Report x30 | - |
Above the Hubbub VI Branch II | Battery x100 | - |
Total | 1355 |
In total, this is 5500x all resources, 700x all data, 550x batteries, 900x calibration tickets, 310x combat reports, 250x special combat reports, 45x cores, 15x doll contracts, 10x quick production contracts, 240x enhancement capsules, 900x memory fragments, 250x pure samples, 200x original samples, and 40x Strawberry Custard Cheesecake.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
P22. Now that the (arguably) strongest/most versatile handgun is permanently available, there's no excuse to not pick up at least one copy. For lazy teambuilding dupe as many as you'd like.
Other than that, there's X95 for a decent direct-fire offtank. Works well against bosses that summon escorts and such. UKM-2000 is a night MG who buffs her accuracy on the second volley. I'd be hard-pressed to come up with a worse combination. The login dolls aren't anything special. RT-20 is somewhat notable for having the lowest ROF of any rifle currently available (27 at level 100), so that's something.
Isomer Farming Guide by Ceia.
Clear guides: Matsuda, GFC, Gamepress, Ceia (YT). If you're short on intel points, clear the very first mission again (Souvenir).
All unique drops: (3*) OBR, Type03, MP-448, Model L, RT-20, (4*) UKM-2000, (5*) P22, X95.
Shattered Connexion#
SC's campaign is particularly notable as an immediately-accessible source of 10 Fire Control Components, the normally time-locked material for 6-star mods. Newer players who want to mod their 416 for 12-4E farming can speed that up by working through this campaign, and no longer need to wait for three months of expeditions.
Map | Normal Reward / EX Reward | Gem value |
[Chapter 1] | ||
Quiet Presence | 4 Resources x500 | - |
Quiet Presence - Combat | Core x5 / 4 Resources x2000 | - |
Two Jobs | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Tracing the Source | Battery x50 | - |
Reunion with Old Friends | Combat Report x20 | - |
Reunion with Old Friends - Combat | Calib tickets x100 / Memory Fragment x50 | 86 |
Shackled Spirit I | Cheesecake x10 | - |
Bound Spirit I - Combat | Fire Control Component x2 / Combat Report x100 | - |
Confidential Information I | 4 Resources x1000 | - |
Confidential Information II | Commander Costume: Special Ops Protective Helmet | - |
Confidential Information III | Memory Fragment x50 | 22 |
[Chapter 2] | ||
Bound Spirit II | Core x5 | - |
Bound Spirit II - Combat | 4 Resources x1000 / Fire Control Component x2 | - |
Intangible Sight I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Intangible Sight I - Combat | Memory Fragment x100 / Memory Fragment x100 | 89 |
Nameless Exiles I | Battery x50 | - |
Nameless Exiles I - Combat | Calib tickets x150 / Basic Data x500 | 111 |
Nameless Exiles II | Combat Report x30 | - |
Nameless Exiles II - Combat | Basic Data x200 / Special Combat Report x100 | 6 |
Intangible Sight II | Special Combat Report x30 | - |
Confidential Information IV | Combat Report x50 | - |
Confidential Information V | Commander Costume: Special Ops Protective Mask | - |
Confidential Information VI | Special Combat Report x50 | - |
[Chapter 3] | ||
Fractured Cognition I | Calib tickets x100 | 64 |
Fractured Cognition I - Combat | Fire Control Component x2 / Memory Fragment x100 | 44 |
Fractured Cognition II | Enhancement Capsule x20 | - |
Fractured Cognition II - Combat | Core x10 / Battery x200 | - |
Subsurface Homecoming I | 4 Resources x1000 | - |
The Unwelcome | Battery x50 | - |
Fractured Cognition III | Quick Production x5 | - |
Fractured Cognition IV | Special Combat Report x30 | - |
Fractured Cognition IV - Combat | Doll Contract x5 / Fire Control Component x2 | - |
Confidential Information VII | Advanced Data x500 | 189 |
Confidential Information VIII | Commander Costume: Special Ops Protective Top | - |
Confidential Information IX | Combat Report x100 | - |
[Chapter 4] | ||
Infinite Connections | Core x5 | - |
Subsurface Homecoming II | Cheesecake x10 | - |
Subsurface Homecoming II - Combat | Battery x100 / Intermediate Data x500 | 68 |
Isomer I | Enhancement Capsule x50 | - |
Isomer I - Combat | Quick Production x5 / Original Sample x50 | - |
Subsurface Homecoming III | Core x10 | - |
Subsurface Homecoming III - Combat | Calib tickets x100 / Original Sample x50 | 64 |
Isomer II | Calib tickets x150 | 96 |
Isomer II - Combat | Core x10 / Original Sample x50 | - |
Confidential Information X | Special Combat Report x100 | - |
Confidential Information XI | Commander Costume: Military Rucksack | - |
Confidential Information XII | Memory Fragment x100 | 44 |
[Chapter 5] | ||
A Rock and a Hard Place | Battery x50 | - |
A Rock and a Hard Place - Combat | Intermediate Data x200 / Pure Sample x50 | 27 |
Operation Defang I | Enhancement Capsule x50 | - |
Operation Defang I - Combat I | Memory Fragment x100 / Enhancement Capsule x50 | 44 |
Operation Defang I - Combat II | Advanced Data x200 / Memory Fragment x150 | 142 |
Operation Defang II | Battery x100 | - |
Operation Defang II - Combat | Fire Control Component x2 / Pure Sample x100 | - |
All-Devouring Sea of Flowers | Cheesecake x20 | - |
All-Devouring Sea of Flowers - Combat | Core x5 / Original Sample x100 | - |
Farewell, Tallinn I | Battery x100 | - |
Farewell, Tallinn I - Combat I | Enhancement Capsule x50 / Memory Fragment x200 | 89 |
Farewell, Tallinn I - Combat II | Doll Contract x5 / Calib tickets x200 | 128 |
Farewell, Tallinn II | Core x10 | - |
Confidential Information XIII | Commander Costume: Special Ops Protective Pants | - |
Confidential Information XIV | Memory Fragment x100 | 44 |
Confidential Information XV | Pure Sample x100 | - |
Total | 1357 |
In total, this is 5500x all resources, 700x all data, 700x batteries, 800x calibration tickets, 300x combat reports, 310x special combat reports, 60x cores, 10x doll contracts, 10x quick production contracts, 260x enhancement capsules, 1050x memory fragments, 250x pure samples, 250x original samples, 40x Strawberry Custard Cheesecake, 10x Fire Control Component, and 1 Commander Costume set.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
There have been some pretty nice dolls in the campaigns lately. This time, go farm yourself a Kord. She's a MG with a broken piercing skill that can be used from the very start (set her to forced manual). SSG3000 works alright as a budget M200 for the occasional Patroller or night Gunner, but isn't a priority. TEC-9 is a decent budget version of M1895 mod, but the other 3-star logins are, as usual, nothing interesting.
Shattered Connexion Farming Guide by Ceia.
Clear guides: Matsuda, GFC, Gamepress, Ceia (YT, normal mode), EX mode.
All unique drops: (3*) TEC-9, Scout, Falcon, Magal, Gr HK33, MP41, (4*) SSG3000, (5*) Kord.
Polarized Light#
Polarized Light, as of June 12th (2022), is here! "Gem equivalent" numbers are without/with the prototype fairies counted. They're expensive, but you can also get a proto-equivalent by doing lots of HECs.
Map | Reward | Gem value |
[Chapter 1 - Unpolarized Light Source] | ||
Lamp Starter | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Propagation I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Propagation II | Enhancement Capsule x100 | - |
Critical Angle I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Critical Angle II | Basic Data x200 | 6 |
Critical Angle III | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Critical Angle EX-I | Pure Sample x200 | - |
Critical Angle EX-II | Fire Control Component x2 | - |
Refraction Point | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Reflector I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Reflector II | Combat Report x200 | - |
Reflector III | Intermediate Data x200 | 27 |
Total Internal Reflection I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Total Internal Reflection II | Core x10 | - |
Sine Curve | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Reversibility I | Combat Report x50 | - |
Reversibility II | Calibration ticket x200 | 128 |
Cosine Signal | Calibration ticket x50 | 32 |
[Chapter 2 - Bifocal Prism] | ||
Polarizer I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Polarizer II | Original Sample x200 | - |
Polarizer III | Battery x200 | - |
Diffraction Grating | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Vacuum Tube | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Accelerator | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Vacuum Tube EX | Memory Fragment x400 | 176 |
Waveguide I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Waveguide II | Prototype Fairy x2 | 2000 |
Beam Splitter | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Interferometer I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Interferometer II | Fire Control Component x2 | - |
Aperture | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Spectrometer I | Battery x50 | - |
Spectrometer II | Basic Data x500 | 15 |
Analyzer | Battery x50 | - |
[Chapter 3 - Polarized] | ||
Enantiomer Overload I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Enantiomer Overload II | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Enantiomer Overload III | Doll Contract x5 | - |
Recrystallization Resolution I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Shattered Plane of Polarization I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Recrystallization Resolution II | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Recrystallization Resolution III | Advanced Data x500 | 189 |
Shattered Plane of Polarization II | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Shattered Plane of Polarization III | Intermediate Data x500 | 68 |
Asymmetric Induction I | Special Combat Report x50 | - |
Asymmetric Induction II | Quick Production x5 | - |
Optical Isomer | Battery x50 | - |
[Chapter 4 - Crystal Recasting] | ||
Milling I | Calibration tickets x50 | 32 |
Milling II | Memory Fragment x350 | 154 |
Mixing | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Pre-Heating I | Battery x50 | - |
Pre-Heating II | Battery x100 | - |
Sintering | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Foaming | Calibration tickets x50 | 32 |
Foam Stabilization I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Foam Stabilization II | Enhancement Capsule x50 | - |
Foam Stabilization EX | Fire Control Component x2 | - |
Molding | Calibration tickets x50 | 32 |
Annealing I | Token x40 | 240 |
Annealing II | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Annealing III | Token x40 | 240 |
Annealing EX | Advanced Data x500 | 189 |
Tempering I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Tempering II | Special Combat Report x200 | - |
Cutting I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Cutting II | Core x25 | - |
Polishing | Combat Report x50 | - |
Silvering I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Silvering II | Doll contract x5 | - |
Silvering III | Fire Control Component x2 | - |
Virtual Image Reforging | Calibration tickets x50 | 32 |
[Chapter 5 - Visible Horizon] | ||
Unfathomable Singularity | Battery x50 | - |
Causality Separating Plane | Battery x50 | - |
Observable Limits I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Observable Limits II | Core x5 | - |
Observable Limits III | Calibration tickets x50 | 32 |
Observable Limits EX | Memory Fragment x200 | 88 |
Light Cone Frame of Reference I | Calibration tickets x50 | 32 |
Light Cone Frame of Reference II | Fire Control Component x2 | - |
Blackbody Radiation I | Special Combat Report x50 | - |
Blackbody Radiation II | Prototype Fairy x3 | 3000 |
Escape Acceleration I | 4 Resources x200 | - |
Escape Acceleration II | Calibration tickets x100 | 64 |
Through the Event Horizon | 4 Resources x200 | 64 |
Total | 1872 |
In total, this is 6400x all resources, 700x all data, 600x batteries, 650x calibration tickets, 300x combat reports, 300x special combat reports, 40x cores, 10x doll contracts, 5x quick production contracts, 150x enhancement capsules, 950x memory fragments, 200x pure samples, 200x original samples, 10x Fire Control Component, 5x Prototype Fairy, and 80x tokens.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
Permanent drops are a bit disappointing here. CF-05 has a funny pseudo-armor gimmick, but it has no real use. FI M82 has a unity skill with AK-Alfa, but there's a very long list of better ARSMG concepts. No future mods among the login dolls.
Polarized Light Farming Guide by Ceia.
Clear guides: Matsuda, GFC, Gamepress, Ceia (YT, ch1-3), ch4-5, EX.
All unique drops: (3*) T-CMS, K3, VP70, Six12, INSAS, Zas M76, (4*) CF-05, FI M82.
Dual Randomness#
Dual Randomness has made it into the campaign as of June 6, 2023. Lots of nodes, so this is a long one to list.
Chapter | Map | Reward |
1 | Departure Time I | Battery x30 |
Departure Time II | Combat Report x50 | |
Departure Time III | Battery x30 | |
Departure Time IV | Combat Report x50 | |
Departure Time ① | 4 Resources x500 | |
Departure Time ② | Combat Report x50 | |
Departure Time EX | Fire Control Component x2 | |
Departure Time ∞ | Combat Report x50 | |
2 | Pollinosis I | 4 Resources x200 |
Pollinosis II | Original Sample x50 | |
Pollinosis III | 4 Resources x200 | |
Pollinosis IV | Extra Impulse x5 | |
Pollinosis V | Enhancement Capsule x50 | |
Pollinosis VI | Extra Impulse x5 | |
Pollinosis ① | Calibration ticket x50 | |
Pollinosis ② | Prototype Fairy x1 | |
Pollinosis ③ | Battery x30 | |
Pollinosis ④ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Pollinosis ⑤ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Pollinosis ⑥ | Enhancement Capsule x20 | |
Pollinosis ⑦ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Pollinosis ⑧ | Advanced Data x50 | |
Pollinosis ⑨ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Pollinosis ⑩ | Special Combat Report x50 | |
Pollinosis EX | Aid Commission x5 | |
Pollinosis ∞ | Prototype Fairy x1 | |
3 | Ghost Sisters I | Battery x50 |
Ghost Sisters II | Memory Fragment x100 | |
Ghost Sisters III | Original Sample x100 | |
Ghost Sisters IV | Battery x100 | |
Ghost Sisters V | Calibration ticket x100 | |
Ghost Sisters VI | 4 Resources x200 | |
Ghost Sisters ① | Fire Control Component x2 | |
Ghost Sisters ② | Battery x30 | |
Ghost Sisters ③ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Ghost Sisters ④ | Calibration ticket x50 | |
Ghost Sisters ⑤ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Ghost Sisters ⑥ | Intermediate Data x50 | |
Ghost Sisters ⑦ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Ghost Sisters ⑧ | Advanced Data x50 | |
Ghost Sisters ⑨ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Ghost Sisters ⑩ | Core x5 | |
Ghost Sisters EX | Fire Control Component x2 | |
Ghost Sisters ∞ | Advanced Data x100 | |
4 | Operation Snake Eater I | Memory Fragment x200 |
Operation Snake Eater II | Battery x50 | |
Operation Snake Eater III | Special Combat Report x100 | |
Operation Snake Eater IV | Intermediate Data x300 | |
Operation Snake Eater V | 4 Resources x200 | |
Operation Snake Eater ① | Fire Control Component x2 | |
Operation Snake Eater ② | Battery x30 | |
Operation Snake Eater ③ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Operation Snake Eater ④ | Calibration ticket x50 | |
Operation Snake Eater ⑤ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Operation Snake Eater ⑥ | Intermediate Data x50 | |
Operation Snake Eater ⑦ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Operation Snake Eater ⑧ | Advanced Data x50 | |
Operation Snake Eater ⑨ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Operation Snake Eater ⑩ | Core x5 | |
Operation Snake Eater EX | Memory Fragment x100 | |
Operation Snake Eater ∞ | Advanced Data x100 | |
5 | Infernal Enlightenment I | Combat Report x50 |
Infernal Enlightenment II | Pure Sample x150 | |
Infernal Enlightenment III | Core x15 | |
Infernal Enlightenment IV | Advanced Data x300 | |
Infernal Enlightenment V | Special Combat Report x100 | |
Infernal Enlightenment ① | Fire Control Component x2 | |
Infernal Enlightenment ② | Combat Report x50 | |
Infernal Enlightenment ③ | 4 Resources x200 | |
Infernal Enlightenment ∞ | Prototype Fairy x2 | |
Foreshadowed Voyage | Memory Fragment x200 / Pure Sample x50 | |
The Curtain Rises I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | |
The Curtain Rises II | 4 Resources x200 | |
Light Show | Battery x50 | |
Hay Fever - Beginning | Basic Data x200 | |
Flower View | Original Sample x50 | |
Hay Fever - End | Basic Data x200 | |
Clown | Calibration ticket x50 | |
Gathering Frost Wolves | 4 Resources x200 | |
Air Raid Shelter | Memory Fragment x100 | |
Sweet Dreams Box - Beginning | 4 Resources x200 | |
Sweet Dreams Box - End | 4 Resources x200 | |
Cuckoo Clock | Calibration ticket x100 | |
Rag Doll | Special Combat Report x50 | |
Piper | Basic Data x300 | |
Delta Attack - Beginning | Intermediate Data x300 | |
Spiderweb | Memory Fragment x200 | |
House of Cards | Special Combat Report x100 | |
Animal Chess | Calibration ticket x100 | |
Instigator | Advanced Data x300 | |
Delta Attack - End | 4 Resources x200 | |
Rooftop Dash | Core x10 |
In total, this is 4900x all resources, 950x advanced data, 700x intermediate data, 700x basic data, 5x aid commissions, 400x batteries, 500x calibration tickets, 300x combat reports, 400x special combat reports, 35x cores, 90x enhancement capsules, 10x extra impulses, 10x fire control components, 900x memory fragments, 200x pure samples, 200x original samples, and 4x prototype fairies.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
General Liu is good. Nothing else noteworthy.
Dual Randomness Farming Guide by Ceia.
Clear guides: Matsuda, Gamepress, Ceia.
All unique drops: (3*) TS12, GM6 Lynx, StG-940, CAR, MAS-38, WKp, (4*) Mondragon M1908, (5*) General Liu.
Mirror Stage#
Mirror Stage has made it into the campaign as of September 26, 2023, featuring even more nodes.
Chapter | Map | Reward |
1 | Wrestling Snakes I | 4 Resources x500 / 4 Resources x500 |
Wrestling Snakes II | Enhancement Capsule x20 | |
The Birth of Apate I | Enhancement Capsule x20 | |
The Birth of Apate II | Core x5 / Combat Report x100 | |
Hemera Points to the Light I | Calibration Ticket x100 | |
Hemera Points to the Light II | Prototype Fairy x1 / Memory Fragment x50 | |
Hemera Points to the Light III | Calibration Ticket x50 | |
Shoulders of a Griffin I | Core x5 | |
Shoulders of a Griffin II | Basic Data x100 / Fire Control Component x2 | |
Shoulders of a Griffin III | Basic Data x50 | |
Absent | 4 Resources x100 | |
An Arrow in Flight I | Basic Data x50 | |
An Arrow in Flight II | 4 Resources x500 | |
Torricelli's Trumpet I | Battery x50 | |
Torricelli's Trumpet II | Basic Data x50 | |
Torricelli's Trumpet III | Battery x50 | |
Athena's Owl | Enhancement Capsule x50 | |
Selene's Dream | 4 Resources x100 | |
The Way of What is to Come | Combat Report x50 | |
Survival Guide | Calibration Ticket x50 | |
Lurking | 4 Resources x100 | |
The Real ∞ | Intermediate Data x50 / Advanced Data x50 | |
2 | Ship of Theseus I | Battery x50 |
Ship of Theseus II | Intermediate Data x100 / Basic Data x300 | |
Ship of Theseus II | Battery x50 | |
Ariadne's Clew I | 4 Resources x200 | |
One-Sided Recollection | Core x10 | |
Ariadne's Clew II | Fire Control Component x2 / Prototype Fairy x1 | |
Ariadne's Clew III | Combat Report x50 | |
Cretan Labyrinth I | 4 Resources x200 | |
Cretan Labyrinth II | Memory Fragment x100 / 4 Resources x200 | |
Cretan Labyrinth III | Battery x100 | |
Dreams on the Island of Dia I | Memory Fragment x50 | |
Dreams on the Island of Dia II | Advanced Data x50 / Intermediate Data x300 | |
Dreams on the Island of Dia III | Calibration ticket x100 | |
Dreams on the Island of Dia IV | Original Sample x50 | |
Balls and Vase | Original Sample x50 | |
Cretan Liar | Combat Report x100 | |
Heraclitus' River I | Original Sample x50 | |
Heraclitus' River II | 4 Resources x500 | |
Heraclitus' River III | Enhancement Capsule x50 | |
The Grain of Millet I | Battery x100 | |
The Grain of Millet II | Core x5 | |
The Grain of Millet III | Core x5 | |
The Prisoner's Dilemma I | 4 Resources x200 | |
The Prisoner's Dilemma II | Basic Data x100 | |
The Prisoner's Dilemma III | Original Sample x50 | |
One-Sided Recollection | Core x10 | |
Reflection | 4 Resources x100 | |
Cracks | Calibration Ticket x50 | |
The Indecipherable Heart | Memory Fragment x50 | |
Flash | Memory Fragment x50 | |
The Imaginary ∞ | Basic Data x50 / Intermediate Data x50 | |
3 | Defying the Moerae I | Enhancement Capsule x50 |
Defying the Moerae II | 4 Resources x100 / Fire Control Component x2 | |
Defying the Moerae III | Advanced Data x50 | |
Clotho's Thread I | Memory Fragment x50 | |
Clotho's Thread II | Prototype Fairy x1 / Advanced Data x300 | |
Clotho's Thread III | 4 Resources x200 | |
Lachesis' Measure I | 4 Resources x100 | |
Lachesis' Measure II | Advanced Data x100 / Prototype Fairy x1 | |
Lachesis' Measure III | Original Sample x50 | |
Atropos' Shears I | Special Combat Report x50 | |
Atropos' Shears II | Fire Control Component x2 / 4 Resources x200 | |
Atropos' Shears III | 4 Resources x200 | |
Cratylus' River I | Memory Fragment x50 | |
Cratylus' River II | Intermediate Data x100 | |
Cratylus' River III | Advanced Data x50 | |
Achilles and the Tortoise I | Original Sample x50 | |
Achilles and the Tortoise II | Advanced Data x100 | |
Achilles and the Tortoise III | 4 Resources x100 | |
Zeno's Circle of Knowledge | Memory Fragment x50 | |
The Symbolic ∞ | Advanced Data x50 / Basic Data x50 | |
4 | Nyx's Night I | Memory Fragment x50 |
Nyx's Night II | Core x5 | |
Nyx's Night III | Advanced Data x50 / Memory Fragment x150 | |
Nyx's Night IV | Calibration ticket x100 | |
Hypnos' Eyes I | Special Combat Report x100 | |
Hypnos' Eyes II | 4 Resources x200 / Core x10 | |
Hypnos' Eyes III | Memory Fragment x50 | |
Thanatos' Kiss I | Intermediate Data x50 | |
Thanatos' Kiss II | Prototype Fairy x1 / Special Combat Report x200 | |
Chaos' Abyss I | Advanced Data x50 | |
Chaos' Abyss II | Fire Control Component x2 / Memory Fragment x100 | |
Chaos' Abyss III | 4 Resources x100 | |
Schrodinger's Cat | Pure Sample x50 | |
Pandora's Box I | Core x5 | |
Pandora's Box II | Memory Fragment x150 | |
Pandora's Box III | 4 Resources x100 | |
Brain in a Vat I | Intermediate Data x50 | |
Brain in a Vat II | Pure Sample x100 | |
Brain in a Vat III | Pure Sample x50 | |
Mobius Strip | Memory Fragment x50 | |
Gaze ∞ | Intermediate Data x50 / Advanced Data x50 |
In total, this is 4 Resources x4500, Advanced Data x900, Basic Data x750, Battery x400, Calibration ticket x450, Combat Report x300, Core x60, Enhancement Capsule x190, Fire Control Component x10, Intermediate Data x750, Memory Fragment x1000, Original Sample x300, Prototype Fairy x5, Pure Sample x200, Special Combat Report x350.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
Nothing, really.
Mirror Stage Farming Guide by Ceia.
Clear guides: Matsuda, Gamepress, Ceia: Angelia Route, Normal, EX. Serzha: Angelia Route, Normal, EX.
All unique drops: (3*) WKp, StG-940, GM6 Lynx, TS12, QSB-91, SUB-2000, (4*) Derringer, (5*) Model 99.
Poincaré Recurrence#
Next, Poincaré Recurrence. Added August 20, 2024.
Chapter | Map | Reward |
1 | ② | 4 Resources x200 |
③ | 4 Resources x500 | |
③ | 4 Resources x500 | |
④ | Battery x50 | |
⑤ | Calibration Ticket x50 | |
⑥ | Combat Report x100 | |
⑥-EX | 4 Resources x500 | |
⑦ | Basic Data x100 | |
⑧ | 4 Resources x200 | |
⑨ | Prototype Fairy | |
⑩ | Memory Fragment x50 | |
⑪ | Enhancement Capsule x20 | |
⑫ | Original Sample x100 | |
⑬ | Core x5 | |
⑬-EX | Fire Control Component x2 | |
⑭ | Core x5 | |
⑮ | Intermediate Data x50 | |
2 | Ⅰ | Special Combat Report x50 |
Ⅱ | Advanced Data x50 | |
Ⅲ | Basic Data x100 | |
Ⅲ-EX | Combat Report x100 | |
Ⅳ | Calibration Ticket x50 | |
Ⅴ | Core x5 | |
Ⅵ | Intermediate Data x100 | |
Ⅶ | Fire Control Component x2 | |
Ⅶ-EX | Prototype Fairy | |
Ⅷ | Memory Fragment x50 | |
Ⅸ | Quick Auto-Battle Contract x20 | |
Ⅹ | Memory Fragment x100 | |
Ⅺ | Original Sample x50 | |
Ⅻ | Core x5 | |
XIII | Quick Auto-Battle Contract x30 | |
XIII-EX | Basic Data x300 | |
XIV | Enhancement Capsule x50 | |
XV | Basic Data x100 | |
3 | IA | Battery x100 |
IIA | Calibration Ticket x50 | |
IIIB | Advanced Data x50 | |
IIIB-EX | Fire Control Component x2 | |
IVB | Enhancement Capsule x20 | |
VB | Original Sample x50 | |
VIB | Memory Fragment x50 | |
VIIB | Prototype Fairy | |
IB | Intermediate Data x50 | |
IIB | Advanced Data x50 | |
IIIA | Basic Data x50 | |
IVA | Enhancement Capsule x30 | |
IVA-EX | Enhancement Capsule x50 | |
VA | Intermediate Data x50 | |
VIA | Calibration Ticket x100 | |
VIA-EX | Intermediate Data x300 | |
VIIA | Advanced Data x50 | |
4 | alpha | 4 Resources x300 |
beta | Battery x100 | |
gamma | Memory Fragment x50 | |
delta | Intermediate Data x100 | |
delta-EX | Prototype Fairy | |
epsilon | Intermediate Data x100 | |
zeta | Memory Fragment x100 | |
eta | Quick Auto-Battle Contract x20 | |
theta | Core x5 | |
theta-EX | Calibration Ticket x100 | |
iota | Core x5 | |
kappa | Fire Control Component x2 | |
kappa-EX | 4 Resources x200 | |
lambda | Calibration Ticket x50 | |
mu | Special Combat Report x100 | |
nu | Advanced Data x50 | |
5 | 1 | Pure Sample x50 |
10 | 4 Resources x100 | |
10-EX | Core x10 | |
11 | Memory Fragment x50 | |
100 | Prototype Fairy | |
100-EX | Special Combat Report x100 | |
101 | Battery x50 | |
110 | Advanced Data x100 | |
111 | Original Sample x50 | |
111-EX | Memory Fragment x150 | |
1000 | Basic Data x50 | |
1001 | Battery x50 | |
1001-EX | Advanced Data x300 | |
1010 | Intermediate Data x50 | |
6 | pico | 4 Resources x200 |
nano | 4 Resources x400 | |
micro | Advanced Data x50 | |
micro-EX | 4 Resources x200 | |
milli | Special Combat Report x100 | |
centi | Advanced Data x100 | |
deci | Pure Sample x50 | |
deca | Memory Fragment x100 | |
hecta|Security System Network|Paradeus Base | Fire Control Component x2 | |
Hecta-EX|Security System Network|Security System Network|Paradeus Base | Pure Sample x100 | |
kilo | Intermediate Data x50 | |
Mega|Data Network Base Layer|Data Network Interior|External Network | Memory Fragment x100 | |
Mega-EX|Data Network Base Layer|Data Network Interior|External Network | Memory Fragment x100 | |
Giga | 4 Resources x200 | |
Tera | Advanced Data x50 | |
Infinity | Alaya-Vijnana | Core x10 |
Discrete Evolution ∞ - EX | Quick Auto-Battle Contract x30 | |
Spin Echo ∞ | Calibration Ticket x50 | |
Spin Echo ∞ - EX | Advanced Data x100 | |
Discrete Evolution ∞ | Intermediate Data x50 |
In total, this is 4 Resources x3500, Advanced Data x950, Basic Data x700, Battery x350, Calibration ticket x450, Combat Report x200, Core x50, Enhancement Capsule x170, Fire Control Component x10, Intermediate Data x900, Memory Fragment x900, Original Sample x250, Prototype Fairy x5, Pure Sample x200, Special Combat Report x350.
Notable Farmable Dolls/Equipment
No particularly critical dolls here.
Clear guides: Matsuda, Serzha.
All unique drops: (3*) 43M, C14, HSM10, Vepr, (4*) FARA 83, PM1910, SPP-1, (5*) KH2002. By map: see Randomqwerty's spreadsheet.
Future Campaigns#
I have not cleared, nor do I intend to clear, campaigns past Mirror Stage. If someone would like to send me an excel sheet/similar thing listing the rewards like above when those release, I'll add it in. Otherwise, assume you get 10 Fire Control Cores, ~5 Prototype Fairies, and some random data/other goodies sprinkled throughout.
Thanks to Randomqwerty for providing PR's data.
For doll drops, you can reference this excellent spreadsheet by Randomqwerty. For video guides, Serzha's YT channel is likely your best bet.
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