Girls' Frontline game mechanics, teambuilding, optimization, mythbusting, and similar fun stuff. Or other game topics.
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Recent Articles

Master Duel crafting is rigged*
Glossy rate misalignment with pack odds
Glossy rate misalignment with pack odds

The Myth of Unsearchable Once-Per-Turn Spells
It probably doesn't make a difference
It probably doesn't make a difference

Opening Hand Probabilities
In Battle Spirits Saga
In Battle Spirits Saga

Major Q9
Heroscape unit math
Heroscape unit math

There is no conspiracy to probability
Odd, and not so odd odds
Odd, and not so odd odds

New Doll Equipment: Wave 2
Equipment analysis
Equipment analysis

Accuracy and Evasion
A deep dive
A deep dive

AK-47 with 74M
DPS Comparison
DPS Comparison

Anchored Construction
Rate comparisons
Rate comparisons

AR #2 Chip Analysis
Scope pairs, DPS comparison
Scope pairs, DPS comparison

AR #2 Chip Calculator
Equipment estimator
Equipment estimator

Arisaka AP rounds
4 Shiki SPEQ testing
4 Shiki SPEQ testing

Armor Calculator
Optimize your MGSGs
Optimize your MGSGs

ARs Against Armor, by Fairy
Para & Command versus Artillery
Para & Command versus Artillery

AR Damage over time
Comparing direct-fire damage output
Comparing direct-fire damage output

Are 2 ARs or 3 ARs Better?
Does it matter?
Does it matter?

AUG and Angelica
Random spray vs AR targeting
Random spray vs AR targeting

Black Cards & Completionism
Costume gacha analysis
Costume gacha analysis

Building SF around a Ringleader
Echelon construction, priorities, and best practices
Echelon construction, priorities, and best practices

Bullying the Weak
X95 Equipment & Skill Analysis
X95 Equipment & Skill Analysis

Combat Effectiveness
Stacking and what it's worth
Stacking and what it's worth

Common Myths
Mechanical misconceptions
Mechanical misconceptions

Core Rates
on popular farming maps
on popular farming maps

Critical Parachute talents
Crit II, Damage II, and debuffs
Crit II, Damage II, and debuffs

Data Simulation
High-scoring formations and reward data
High-scoring formations and reward data

Effective Survival Strategies
Durability comparisons
Durability comparisons

Energy Package Analysis
The best data deals
The best data deals

EOT XPS3 Analysis
416 scope comparison
416 scope comparison

Equipping SR-3MP for any situation
DPS optimization
DPS optimization

Erevan Sunshadow
Heroscape unit math
Heroscape unit math

Everything to know about Px4 Storm
Myths, math, buffs, and more
Myths, math, buffs, and more

Fairy Talent Frequencies
Not all talents were created equal
Not all talents were created equal

Fairy Reviews
General commentary and fairy information
General commentary and fairy information

Fedorov Avtomat
Timeframe analysis & charting
Timeframe analysis & charting

Five-Seven & Stechkin
ROF buffer comparison
ROF buffer comparison

Gacha Rates
Live2D survey data
Live2D survey data

General Liu
Analysis & testing
Analysis & testing

Hand Grenades
Experiments vs Molotovs
Experiments vs Molotovs

Hanyang at Day
Comparisons for general use
Comparisons for general use

Jill: General Testing
RFHG buffing performance
RFHG buffing performance

Level/Core/BP Correlations
In Battle Spirits Saga
In Battle Spirits Saga

Limited Event Dolls
and their last-seen dates
and their last-seen dates

Major Q9
Heroscape unit math
Heroscape unit math

Master Duel crafting is rigged*
Glossy rate misalignment with pack odds
Glossy rate misalignment with pack odds

Mobbing with Type56R
Multi-link performance
Multi-link performance

Monitoring your Anger
AK-15 Analysis
AK-15 Analysis

My ARs suck at night, help!
AR performance vs armor
AR performance vs armor

The Myth of Unsearchable Once-Per-Turn Spells
It probably doesn't make a difference
It probably doesn't make a difference

New Doll Equipment
First thoughts, #2 Chip analysis
First thoughts, #2 Chip analysis

New Doll Equipment: Wave 2
Equipment analysis
Equipment analysis

The New Defense Fairy
Reworked skill testing
Reworked skill testing

The New Sniper Fairy
Reworked skill testing
Reworked skill testing

Night vision on rifles!?
Upcoming flare rework analysis
Upcoming flare rework analysis

1 "C" is better than 3
In Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
In Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Ongoing Projects
Hub for data collection & refinement
Hub for data collection & refinement

Opening Hand Probabilities
In Battle Spirits Saga
In Battle Spirits Saga

Permanent Campaign Rewards
List of rewards, dolls, and value
List of rewards, dolls, and value

Picking Fairy Talents
Fervor versus Damage II
Fervor versus Damage II

The Problem with Damage Simulators
On real performance and models of it
On real performance and models of it

Quick Formation
Where it goes wrong
Where it goes wrong

RF Damage over time
K31, XM3, and such
K31, XM3, and such

Rico Skill Analysis
Force manual vs Autoskill
Force manual vs Autoskill

RO635's Second Chance
Passive analysis
Passive analysis

Rate of Fire Calculator
Optimize your RFHGs and ARSMGs
Optimize your RFHGs and ARSMGs

Sir Hawthorne
Heroscape unit math
Heroscape unit math

Testing & evaluation
Testing & evaluation

SF Dragging
Armor requirements, maps, routes
Armor requirements, maps, routes

SF Size and Keycode stats
Probability estimates and math
Probability estimates and math

Skill Levels
What changes, and what's worth it
What changes, and what's worth it

STAR's new SPEQs
Upcoming SPEQ rebalance review
Upcoming SPEQ rebalance review

SUB-2000 Analysis
DPS at low rarities
DPS at low rarities

Performance testing
Performance testing

Taking Aim
(the talent)
(the talent)

Testing PP-19's mod
Compared to Uzi & Vector
Compared to Uzi & Vector

There is no conspiracy to probability
Odd, and not so odd odds
Odd, and not so odd odds

Thompson, Force Shields, and EHP
Quantifying Durability
Quantifying Durability

TKB-408 Analysis
Critical night focus
Critical night focus

To Lead or to Follow?
Webley skill mode analysis
Webley skill mode analysis

Type88: Additional Hitbox Testing
Hunting for differences
Hunting for differences

Type88: Formation and Skins
Performance analysis
Performance analysis

Using C-MS for DPS
Mode & equipment analysis
Mode & equipment analysis

VA-11 Hall-A Collab Doll Analysis
An updated perspective
An updated perspective

Vector vs Uzi
Which to pick
Which to pick

VSK & Time of Day
Performance testing and mechanics
Performance testing and mechanics

What's in the Dummy?
Evasion & Armor settings
Evasion & Armor settings

Bonus Content
Short pieces, charts, and more
Short pieces, charts, and more

What's new
What's new

Common terms and abbreviations
Shorthand explanation
Shorthand explanation